Particle Reading Analog & Digital Inputs

Analog Inputs

ADC Calibration

 * Project      analog_input_calibration
 * Description: Calibrate analog input channels A0..A1 using precision voltage reference
 *              (Adafruit product #2200) and then calculates the ADC calibration offset
 *              to apply to the measured analog input ADC values. 
 * Author:      Mark Kiehl / Mechatronic Solutions LLC
 * Date:        May 2020

unsigned long pubCount = 0;
unsigned long samples = 0;
unsigned long A0ADC = 0;
unsigned long A1ADC = 0;

struct analog_input_calib_ADC_t {
  byte pin;
  byte ADCoffset;
analog_input_calib_ADC_t arr_ai_ADC_calib[2];

// Fastest Particle publish inteval is 1 event/sec.
// Publish one analog input's value every 15 sec or longer in order to stay 
// within the free limits of most services.
unsigned long timerPublishInterval = 15000;  
unsigned long timerPublishLast = 0;  // timer
unsigned int A1ADCdeltaAvg = 0; 
unsigned int A0ADCdeltaAvg = 0; 

void setup() {; // Turn the Mesh Radio off
  pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT);

  waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 30000);
  Serial.printlnf("System version: %s", (const char*)System.version());

  // Initialize arr_ai_ADC_calib
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[0].pin = A0;
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[0].ADCoffset = 0;  // set = 0 to perform calibration.  Set = avg delta after calibration.
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[1].pin = A1;
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[1].ADCoffset = 0;  // set = 0 to perform calibration.  Set = avg delta after calibration.

} // setup()

void loop() {

  // Calculate analog input avg mV values and write them to serial monitor
  if (timerPublishLast > millis())  timerPublishLast = millis();
  if ((millis() - timerPublishLast) > timerPublishInterval) {
    timerPublishLast = millis();
  } // timer

} // loop()

void ReadAnalogInputs() {
    // 12 bit ADC (values between 0 and 4095 or 2^12) or a resolution of 0.8 mV
    // Hardware minimum sample time to read one analog value is 10 microseconds. 
    // Raw ADC values are adjusted by a calibration factor arr_ai_ADC_calib[n].ADCoffset
    // That is determined by bench testing against precision voltage reference. 
    A0ADC += analogRead(A0) + arr_ai_ADC_calib[0].ADCoffset;
    A1ADC += analogRead(A1) + arr_ai_ADC_calib[1].ADCoffset;
} // ReadAnalogInputs()

void CalcAvgADCdelta() {
  // Calculate average difference from the average analog input A0..A1
  // ADC value from the precision voltage reference value. 

  if (samples %2)
    digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(D7, LOW);

  if (pubCount > 1) {
    // Calculate and report the delta from 2048
    A0ADCdeltaAvg += int(2048.0 * 4096.0 / 3300.0) - int(double(A0ADC)/double(samples));
    A1ADCdeltaAvg += int(2048.0 * 4096.0 / 3300.0) - int(double(A1ADC)/double(samples));
    // int(2048.0 * 4096.0 / 3300.0) = ADC value for 2048 mV from precision voltage reference
    Serial.printlnf("%u pubCount, %u samples, %d ADC0 avg delta, %d ADC1 avg delta", pubCount, samples, int(double(A0ADCdeltaAvg)/double(pubCount-1)), int(double(A0ADCdeltaAvg)/double(pubCount-1)));
  A0ADC = 0;
  A1ADC = 0;
  samples = 0;
} // PublishAnalogValue()

Install CLI, run, then execute the command particle serial monitor to see the serial output.  

Analog to digital conversion using DMA for Particle Gen 3 devices (Argon, Boron, Xenon)


Variable Analog Input Sampling With ADC Calibration Applied

 * Project      calibrated_analog_input
 * Description: Read analog input channels A0..A1 as quickly as posssible
 *              and offset the raw ADC values based on the measured
 *              calibration offset determined previously using
 *              'analog_input_calibration.ino' using a precision voltage
 *              reference (Adafruit product #2200). 
 *              The ADC calibration offset is hard coded in arr_ai_ADC_calib[#].ADCoffset
 * Author:      Mark Kiehl / Mechatronic Solutions LLC
 * Date:        May 2020

unsigned long pubCount = 0;
unsigned long samples = 0;
unsigned long A0ADC = 0;
double A0mV = 0.0;
unsigned long A1ADC = 0;
double A1mV = 0.0;

struct analog_input_calib_ADC_t {
  byte pin;
  byte ADCoffset;
analog_input_calib_ADC_t arr_ai_ADC_calib[2];

// Fastest Particle publish inteval is 1 event/sec.
// Publish one analog input's value every 15 sec or longer in order to stay 
// within the free limits of most services.
unsigned long timerPublishInterval = 15000;  
unsigned long timerPublishLast = 0;  // timer

void setup() {; // Turn the Mesh Radio off
  pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(A1, INPUT);

  waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 30000);
  Serial.printlnf("System version: %s", (const char*)System.version());

  // Initialize arr_ai_ADC_calib
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[0].pin = A0;
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[0].ADCoffset = 0;  // set = 0 to perform calibration.  Set = avg delta after calibration.
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[1].pin = A1;
  arr_ai_ADC_calib[1].ADCoffset = 0;  // set = 0 to perform calibration.  Set = avg delta after calibration.

} // setup()

void loop() {

  // Calculate analog input avg mV values for A0..A1 and write them to the serial monitor
  if (timerPublishLast > millis())  timerPublishLast = millis();
  if ((millis() - timerPublishLast) > timerPublishInterval) {
    timerPublishLast = millis();
  } // timer

} // loop()

void ReadAnalogInputs() {
    // 12 bit ADC (values between 0 and 4095 or 2^12) or a resolution of 0.8 mV
    // Hardware minimum sample time to read one analog value is 10 microseconds. 
    // Raw ADC values are adjusted by a calibration factor arr_ai_ADC_calib[n].ADCoffset
    // that is determined by bench testing against a precision voltage reference. 
    A0ADC += analogRead(A0) + arr_ai_ADC_calib[0].ADCoffset;
    A1ADC += analogRead(A1) + arr_ai_ADC_calib[1].ADCoffset;
} // ReadAnalogInputs()

void PublishAnalogInputValues() {
  // Publish the analog values A0 .. A1 to the Particle Cloud.
  // Sequence from one input to the next with each publish to
  // prevent simultaneous publishing within a short period. 

  if (samples %2)
    digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(D7, LOW);

  if (pubCount > 1) {
    A0mV = double(A0ADC)/double(samples)*3300.0/4096.0;
    A1mV = double(A1ADC)/double(samples)*3300.0/4096.0;
    Serial.printlnf("%u pubCount, %u samples, %.1f mV avg A0, %.1f mV avg A1", pubCount, samples, A0mV, A1mV);
  A0ADC = 0;
  A1ADC = 0;
  samples = 0;
} // PublishAnalogValue()

Install CLI, run, then execute the command particle serial monitor to see the serial output.  

Digital Inputs

Monitor a set of digital inputs and publish each LOW/HIGH or HIGH/LOW change to the Particle Cloud.  


// Timer for publishing to the Particle Cloud
const unsigned long TIMER_PUBLISH_INTERVAL_MS = 2000; 
unsigned long timerPublishLast = 0;  
const unsigned long iPubErrCount = 0;

// Bundle all of the digital input data into a structure.
const byte DI_COUNT = 2;
// initialize DI_DEFAULT_STATE LOW if pulldown resistor, HIGH if pullup resistor.
// Must use the same LOW / HIGH (pullup / pulldown) for all digital inputs monitored.
const byte DI_DEFAULT_STATE = LOW;
struct digital_inputs_t {
  byte pin;
  byte state;
  byte last_state;
  unsigned long timer_interval;
  unsigned long timer_last;
  unsigned long hi_lo_ms; // Duration between HIGH / LOW
  boolean alarm;
  unsigned long alarm_last_ms;
digital_inputs_t arr_di[DI_COUNT];

void setup() {; // Turn the Mesh Radio off

  pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);

  waitFor(Serial.isConnected, 30000);
  Serial.printlnf("System version: %s", (const char*)System.version());

    // System.freeMemory() shows available RAM (not FLASH).
    Particle.publish("Free RAM", String::format("%d",System.freeMemory()), PRIVATE);

  // Initialize arr_di
  arr_di[0].pin = D5;
  arr_di[1].pin = D6;
  for (int i=0; i<DI_COUNT; i++) {
    if (DI_DEFAULT_STATE == LOW) {
      pinMode(arr_di[i].pin, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
      arr_di[i].state = LOW;
      arr_di[i].last_state = LOW;
    } else {
      pinMode(arr_di[i].pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
      arr_di[i].state = HIGH;
      arr_di[i].last_state = HIGH;
    arr_di[i].timer_interval = 100; // debounce timer ms
    arr_di[i].timer_last = millis();
    arr_di[i].hi_lo_ms = 0;
    arr_di[i].alarm = false;
    arr_di[i].alarm_last_ms = millis();

} // setup()

void loop() {


} // loop()

void ProcessDigitalInputs() {
  // Look for a change in state (HIGH/LOW) for the digital inputs referenced by arr_di
  // WARNING:   Multiple DI events that occur in a duration less than TIMER_PUBLISH_INTERVAL_MS
  //            will be missed and only reported as a single event.
  for (int i=0; i<DI_COUNT; i++) {
    if (arr_di[i].timer_last > millis())  arr_di[i].timer_last = millis();
    arr_di[i].state = digitalRead(arr_di[i].pin);
    if (arr_di[i].state != arr_di[i].last_state && millis() - arr_di[i].timer_last > arr_di[i].timer_interval) {
      // do something with the change in state for arr_di[i].pin
      if (arr_di[i].state == !DI_DEFAULT_STATE) {
        arr_di[i].alarm = true; // Causes the alarm to be published by PublishDiEvents()
        digitalWrite(D7, !DI_DEFAULT_STATE);
        arr_di[i].hi_lo_ms = millis();
      } else {
        digitalWrite(D7, DI_DEFAULT_STATE);
        arr_di[i].hi_lo_ms = millis() - arr_di[i].hi_lo_ms;
      // Update the state and timer for arr_di[i]
      arr_di[i].last_state = arr_di[i].state; 
      arr_di[i].timer_last = millis();
}  // ProcessDigitalInputs()

void PublishDiEvents() {
  // Publish the oldest alarm, indicated by arr_di[#].alarm to the Particle Cloud.
  if (timerPublishLast > millis())  timerPublishLast = millis();
  if ((millis() - timerPublishLast) > TIMER_PUBLISH_INTERVAL_MS) {
    // Find the oldest alarm
    unsigned long oldest_ms = 0;
    byte oldest_alarm = 255;
    for (int i=0; i<DI_COUNT; i++) {
      if (arr_di[i].alarm && millis() - arr_di[i].alarm_last_ms > oldest_ms) {
        oldest_ms = millis() - arr_di[i].alarm_last_ms;
        oldest_alarm = i;
    }  // for
    if (oldest_alarm == 255) {
      Serial.printlnf("%u No alarms to publish", millis());
    } else {
      // Publish the oldest alarm
      Serial.printlnf("Pin D%d alarm %u ms",arr_di[oldest_alarm].pin, arr_di[oldest_alarm].hi_lo_ms);
      arr_di[oldest_alarm].alarm_last_ms = millis();
          arr_di[oldest_alarm].alarm = false;
      } else {
        byte iPubResult = Particle.publish(String::format("D%d",arr_di[oldest_alarm].pin), String::format("%u",arr_di[oldest_alarm].hi_lo_ms), PRIVATE);
        if (iPubResult == 1) {
          arr_di[oldest_alarm].alarm = false;
    timerPublishLast = millis();
  } // timer
} // PublishDiEvents()



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The information presented on this website is for the author's use only.   Use of this information by anyone other than the author is offered as guidelines and non-professional advice only.   No liability is assumed by the author or this web site.